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Why do women get periods?

Why do women get periods?

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Menstruation or periods is an important and natural part of every female's reproductive cycle but many still wonder: how periods happen. This blog covers about the basics of periods and why period education is important for a girl stepping into her adolescent age.

How do periods (menstruation) happen?

As a woman, our body experiences several hormonal changes throughout the month. Our menstrual cycle prepares the body for pregnancy. Here is a brief overview of how periods happen:

  • In a phase known as ovulation, our ovaries release eggs every month.
  • Alongside this, the uterus builds up its lining to form a nurturing environment for a fertilized egg.
  • Now, if the egg released from the ovaries is fertilized by a sperm it is nurtured, and if not the uterus sheds its lining, resulting in bleeding. This is what we call "Periods".

The same process happens every month, typically lasting three to seven days, though it varies from woman to woman. Understanding how periods happen is important as it helps you know what major your body is going to deal with every month.

How menstruation cycle happen ?

How period happen

A menstruation cycle happens due to the interplay of hormones, especially progesterone and estrogen. Here is a breakdown of how periods work:

1. Menstruation: The time when the uterine lining sheds and causes menstrual bleeding. The normal period lasts somewhere between three to seven days.

2. Follicular Phase: This is the phase when the body prepares for ovulation. Hormones let the follicles in the ovaries to evolve.

3. Ovulation Phase: It is the time when the ovary releases a mature egg.

4. Luteal Phase: If the fertilization of the egg does not happen, the levels of hormone drop, and the cycle restarts with the next period.

By knowing how periods work, it is easier for us to predict our menstruation cycles and manage them effectively.

Why period education is necessary

Period education is important not just for the young girls but for the society as a whole. Understanding the basics of periods helps you break stigmas surrounding menstrual health and is easier for women to seek help when needed. Proper period education also means that young girls are prepared for their first period, knowing what to expect and how to handle it. What's more important is to educate them about organic sanitary pads and period panties, which offer a sustainable alternative to traditional menstrual products.

Why organic sanitary pads and period panties are a must-have?

Organic sanitary pads and period panties
  • Period Panty: Ever thought of periods being fashionable? Well, now it is. A modern period care solution that escapes you from the hassle of changing a pad now and then. Period panties are designed to be absorbent, comfortable, and reusable. They are an amazing sustainable way to manage your menstrual phase and the aesthetic appeal they bring is just the cherry on the cake.
  • Organic Sanitary Pads: It's high time we ditch these plastic, synthetic material sanitary pads because we now have hands-on organic sanitary pads that are made from bamboo natural fibers and 99% organic. Such organic sanitary pads are free from everything that might cause harm to your body and our mother earth.


Knowing the basics of the period and how periods happen is important to maintain your menstrual health. Menstrual health is extremely important and why hamper it by using regular period care solutions? Now is the time when we make ourselves, our daughters, our BFFs, sisters, or any women around us switch to sustainable and safe period care solutions. For more such insights follow us more on our community page.

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