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5 Superstitions About Periods That We Can’t Believe Actually Exist

5 Superstitions About Periods That We Can’t Believe Actually Exist

Since Team Be Me operates and functions from India, one can say that we belong to the land of period superstitions. Don’t go in the kitchen when you’re on your period. Steer clear of cows. Oh, and our personal favorite – refrain from entering a holy place whilst you bleed...

Team Be Me Dives Deep Into The World Of PMS!

Team Be Me Dives Deep Into The World Of PMS!

Truth bomb dropping in 3…2..1. Some period-related terms may elude you. Menses, menopause, perimenopause. It’s a lot to take in and you’re already doing so much by acing your monthly cycle every month. Kudos to you for that! But there are some basic menstruation terms that may also confuse you...

Deconstructing the construction of our pads

Deconstructing the construction of our pads

If you’ve been a loyal reader of Be Me blogs until now, we’re certain that you’ve also become familiarized with what we offer and what our core values are. You’re also well aware of how our menstrual hygiene products can shape the future of environmental-friendly menstruation and its waste disposal....

3 noteworthy developments around menstrual health

3 noteworthy developments around menstrual health

As 2022 nears its end, we would like to dedicate our last Be Me blog of the year to significant developments surrounding menstrual health. 1. Theme of Menstrual Hygiene Day Observed on 28th May annually because an average menstruation cycle lasts for 28 days, the theme for this special occasion...

DON'T SAY THESE THINGS To People On Their Periods!

DON'T SAY THESE THINGS To People On Their Periods!

Since the beginning of time, women have been SHAMED for having their period. Every month, they are ridiculed over them, mocked for them, and made to feel like their feelings are invalid. Whether it’s at home at the hands of elders or in a workplace because of ignorant employees –...

Why Exactly Do Women Get Periods?

Why Exactly Do Women Get Periods?

Here’s a biology question for you - do you know HOW menstruation works? Or, did that one science lesson in High School slip from your mind and now you incessantly wonder about the nitty-gritty of this magical monthly process? Well, first of all, you’re not alone. Often, many of us...

5 tips to ensure menstrual hygiene

5 tips to ensure menstrual hygiene

While it’s true that our monthly flow brings with it a barrage of symptoms such as cramps, bloating, etc., it also increases the probability of being unhygienic. Truth be told, we may try our best but sometimes, things get REALLY messy down there. So, what are some menstrual hygiene tips...

5 Types Of Exercises You Can Do On Your Period

5 Types Of Exercises You Can Do On Your Period

Be warned. Because we're about to drop a truth bomb in the next sentence: we ALL feel lazy during our periods! Yep, we said it and there's no going back. But what we may not realize is that when our energy and physical activity are low, we should actually be...

Let's Bust 3 Period Myths Together!

Let's Bust 3 Period Myths Together!

As we were growing up, we came across quite a few myths about menstruation. Some that made us laugh out loud. Some that made us cringe. And, some that made us question the mindset of the society we lived in. However, we have gotten older and if there is one...

What’s normal during your menstrual cycle and what isn’t?

What’s normal during your menstrual cycle and what isn’t?

Imagine this: you're on your period, happily going about your day. Everything is just as it should be...OR IS IT? The truth is, getting used to the idea of getting your period is normal. However, pinpointing what's normal about it and what isn't should also be taken into consideration every...

Why eco-friendly period packaging is the need of the hour

Why eco-friendly period packaging is the need of the hour

Here’s a mind-boggling fact for our Be Me Women - all menstrual products are labeled as “medical trash” and cannot be tracked once discarded! This is why researchers cannot quantify how much waste they truly create. On top of that, a single disposable pad can take up to 800 years...

Be Me Packaging Is A Gift That Keeps On Giving.

Be Me Packaging Is A Gift That Keeps On Giving.

If you are also annoyed by the plastic packaging of your sanitary pads, welcome to the club! We are officially done with wasteful packaging of menstrual products too. The glue from an average sanitary pad is quick to come off when it lives in your handbag or backpack and finding...